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Series Starts Sunday, July 4th, 2021


I love food!  I love the way different foods look, smell, and taste.  To me, there is nothing more enjoyable than gathering with a group of friends around a table filled with good food.  Food brings people together and causes them to drop their defenses a bit.  Music may be the universal language of mankind, but food is the universal love of mankind!

Read through the Gospels and you see that Jesus was a foodie.  He loved food and He used it to get into people’s homes, to fellowship with His followers, and to open spiritual conversations with unbelievers.  Jesus attended dinner parties because He knew food would help people to get to know Him.  This summer, we are going to attend some dinner parties with Jesus so we can get to know Him better and learn from Him how to live.  I hope you will become a foodie this summer!

Pastor John




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