
Unique Message Series 967x300.jpg

Series Starts Sunday, September 13th

Unique -  \yo͞oˈnēk\    adjective -  unlike anyone else. 

The four Gospels at the beginning of the New Testament are very different from each other.  The Gospels are different from each other because they were written by four different men who share the life, ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus from their perspective.  The gospels are also different from each other because each gospel is directed to a different people group.  Matthew wrote his gospel for Jews, Mark wrote his gospel for Romans, Luke wrote his gospel for the Greeks, and John wrote his gospel to everyone else.  Each of the Gospels is distinctive.  But, Luke’s gospel is particularly unique because it is the longest, most detailed, and has the most unique material in it.   

This fall, we are going to examine the twelve unique parables in Luke to better understand the heart and mind of Christ.  I believe this will be a one of a kind message series that will show you why Jesus is unlike anyone else!  Let’s pray and dive into it. 





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