
Series Starts Sunday, April 7, 2024


Ecclesiastes comes from a Greek word that means “speaker before an assembly.”  Jewish tradition asserts that Solomon wrote Song of Solomon in his youth, Proverbs in his middle years, and Ecclesiastes at the end of his life (931 BC).  In Ecclesiastes, Solomon - the wisest, richest, and most powerful King in Israel’s history - explains that life is meaningless without God.  

Ecclesiastes is divided into three sections.  First, Solomon states his theme (1:1-11).  Life on Earth is futile because everything is unfulfilling, and no one will remember our deeds.  Next, Solomon describes “earthly things” (wisdom, pleasure, alcohol, real estate, money, sex, and work) that fail to give life meaning (1:12-6:12).  Then, in chapters 7-12, Solomon gives suggestions for living.  He concludes by telling us to fear God and keep His commandments, for He will judge us for everything we do (12:13-14). 

-Pastor John


Jesus Questions

