It’s time for another great Men’s Group Bike Trek this time starting at the Alameda Ferry, getting off at Pier 41(first morning ferry goes to Pier 41directly) riding along the Embarcadero, through Crissy Field, up through the Presidio, across the Golden Gate Bridge, and then ending down at Fort Cronkhite/Rodeo Beach (has restrooms and water). The ride out is about 11 miles out starting at the Ferry Building and a bit shorter from Pier 41. On the way back we will stop by the Warming Hut for lunch/snacks/drinks and then go back to the Ferry Building. Hope you can come join us great fellowship and a fantastic bike ride.
Saturday, October 5th
Meet at Alameda Main Street Ferry Terminal 8:45 a.m., Depart on Ferry 9:10 a.m. (don’t be late the ferry will leave right at 9:10) to ABOUT 1:35p OR 2:50p depending on which ferry we take back
What to Bring:
Bike, bike helmet, water, sunblock, windbreaker (can be cold on bridge), snack as needed, money
Bike Route
(not perfect Google does not know bike routes well, but close enough): https://goo.gl/maps/D9YpWaCseBoaZc7f7